Knowledge Isn’t Just Power. It’s Revolutionary.
Accurate, trustworthy data are the key to making all strategic decisions. In the patent market, that kind of data has been almost non-existent. But RPX is changing that.
As one of the most active participants in the patent market and a trusted intermediary for hundreds of companies, RPX has compiled proprietary data on thousands of litigation matters and patent transactions. For the first time, patent decision-makers have access to reliable information, and it is revolutionizing how companies manage patent risk.
Data to Change the Status Quo
Patent decision-makers need data and intelligence. Only RPX provides both to help proactively manage your patent risk.
Obtaining data, by itself, is only the first step. Market participants need the ability to transform data into intelligent decisions that can reduce the costs associated with patent issues.
In the patent ecosystem, this is especially true as billions are spent to acquire and assert assets, creating risk and distorting patent values. At the same time, litigation and licensing strategies are continuously evolving to reflect actions by the Supreme Court, Congress, the USPTO, and state regulators.
Five Common Problems Easily Solved Through RPX Insight
Access our information resources through RPX Insight, a powerful online tool that combines the essentials of litigation monitoring with proprietary news and analysis on a single platform designed to promote data-driven decision-making. More than just access to district court dockets, PTAB proceedings, ITC investigations, and USPTO records – RPX Insight offers hand-analyzed data and interactive research tools – in one relational database. Drawn from multiple public and proprietary sources, the data have been rationalized, tagged, and cross-referenced for easy and intuitive analysis.
While RPX’s proprietary data and analytic tools can be used for a wide array of strategic enquiries, there are five common goals that drive most searches.
- 1
Litigation and Challenges
- 2
to Assertion Letters
- 3
Patents/ Portfolios
- 4
Patents for Sale
- 5
Litigation History
Track Litigation and Challenges
Staying current on litigation that your company faces can be an overwhelming task, demanding frequent monitoring of public sources that are often not complete or up-to-date. Litigation data can also be confusing, with plaintiff and defendant names varying across different court records.
RPX Insight makes patent litigation research easy, putting millions of integrated and fully searchable patents, litigation cases, and entities at your fingertips. It streamlines the litigation-tracking process by aggregating public data, rationalizing litigant entity names, and turning a complex series of steps into a single simple search. RPX also provides updates and tools such as customized alerts when there are new filings, venue transfers, or other changes in the cases you are monitoring.
Respond to Assertion Letters
For most companies, the first call made after receiving an assertion letter is to outside counsel. RPX Insight enables you to pursue a less costly and more effective first step: arm yourself with critical information on the patent, the asserting entity, and the potential litigation before engaging legal help that you may or may not need to resolve the issue.
You can learn when and to whom the patent was issued/assigned, whether it has been litigated in the past, all counsel involved, and any case outcomes. RPX Insight also allows you to determine whether the asserting NPE is a small, less experienced entity or a larger, well-established firm. The asserting entity’s litigation and patent history are also described.
A description of the plaintiff law firm can help you assess how experienced the firm is in litigating in the technology are of the particular patent and how successful it has been to date – all critical information that can make a significant difference in your response to an assertion.
Research Litigation History
Building a reliable timeline of past litigation involving specific patents is a significant challenge. PACER information can be useful if you know the precise matters to examine, but not if your research is based on specific patents. The USPTO does not track litigation.
RPX Insight can help you quickly and accurately construct a clear litigation history of a particular patent or portfolio, including the parties involved, dates of filings of settlements, status of any ongoing litigation, list of associated court documents, and more. Building such a detailed campaign perspective requires proprietary data and the ability to cross-reference a wide array of diverse – but pertinent – patent and litigation attributes.
It’s just one more way that RPX provides uniquely valuable insight and competitive advantage in the patent ecosystem.