950 Defendants Added to Campaigns in Q2 2019
July 10, 2019
US patent litigation filings increased overall during Q2 2019. More than 950 total defendants were added to campaigns during the quarter, with over 560 of those defendants sued by NPEs. This represents a 36.7% increase in NPE litigation compared to Q1 2018 and a 29.1% increase over Q1 2019.
Our latest blog post, Q2 in Review: Alice Reined In as Invalidation Rate Drops, While Patent Litigation Picks Up, goes into further detail on this interesting topic.
At RPX, we believe that the best defense is a good offense. That’s why since our inception in 2008, we’ve purchased rights to over 46,000 patent assets to mitigate patent risk for our members. As one of the most active participants in the patent market, RPX has compiled proprietary data on thousands of litigations and patent transactions. With RPX, companies have access to reliable information about the patent market, helping them to better understand this constantly changing landscape. Through our data and research on patent litigation and the patent marketplace, we’re able to provide our members with the most complete view of the current picture.
As the patent litigation landscape continues to change, RPX will keep innovating and staying ahead of the future risks our members face. Contact us today to find out how RPX can help your company manage patent risk at every level.