2015 Report: NPE Litigation, Patent Marketplace, and NPE Cost
May 16, 2016
Today RPX releases its latest reporting on the state of the patent ecosystem, with comprehensive data and analysis covering litigation activity and transactions, and high-level information from our annual study of the costs of NPE activity to industry (the full cost report is available only to participants in the study).
NPE litigation volume in 2015 re-stabilized, up 28% from 2014, and pre-litigation patent offerings on the open market held steady. However, cost of NPE litigation in 2015 dipped from 2014—especially for certain types of cases, indicating that NPEs are facing some headwinds. The takeaway is that NPEs are persisting, notwithstanding challenges forcing them to adjust their strategies in a post-reform world. Along with more than 100 pages of data on thousands of litigations, transactions, and cost points, the RPX 2015 Report: NPE Litigation, Patent Marketplace, and NPE Cost offers summary context, new information regarding methodological improvements, and a digest of observations.
Comments and questions regarding report data or analysis are welcome at reports@rpxcorp.com.