Patent Litigation Cost: Is the Market Adjusting?
June 15, 2017
Since its inception, RPX has studied the billions of dollars companies collectively spend every year on NPE litigation, providing a full NPE Cost Report annually to companies that contribute data to the study, and sharing select, high-level findings more broadly.
Today, RPX releases a new version of this reporting in the form of a series of interactive cost analytics charts on RPX Insight, with separate sections on litigation and Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) activity costs. Our Cost Analytics Overview, which anyone can access, explains the purpose of the Cost Study, the categories of data provided on RPX Insight, and how to explore them. Rather than waiting for an annual report, select RPX Insight subscribers and Cost Study participants can now access up-to-date analysis at any time, with statistics refreshed automatically as we continually add new data points.
By our own analysis, the patent market is in a state of adjustment, with both NPEs and operating companies assuming new roles as plaintiffs, and with additional challenges developing in foreign jurisdictions. Litigation risk and costs are shifting in a way that significantly impacts decisions on how to resolve patent litigation matters—and how to plan for and limit risk.
RPX’s mission is to continue providing the best intelligence with which to make such decisions; now, the data are available to explore on RPX Insight. Inquiries about access to Cost Analytics on RPX Insight or participation in RPX’s ongoing Cost Study are welcome at